“WHAT IS OSTEOPATHY?” This is the first question everybody asks me when they come across this science for the first time.
Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment that is based on traditional medical knowledge, but does not provide for the use of drugs or surgery.
Osteopathy considers the human being as a unit of body, mind and spirit. Each part is able to interact with the others and condition themselves.
The osteopath, through its evaluation (analysis of posture, dysfunction and palpation) is able to identify any problems and correct them through the manipulation of tissues.
The osteopathic approach is able to drive the natural self-healing processes of the body, thus restoring the physiological condition of movement and health.
The osteopath uses manipulation and specific maneuvers in order to assess, treat and prevent disorders affecting the neuro-musculo-skeletal, visceral (with action on organs and viscera) and cranio-sacral (connection between skull, vertebrae and sacrum) systems.
Osteopathy does not treat just “bones”.
As a holistic science, it deals with muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, organs, viscera, vessels, nerves and all that concerns man.
The man, the woman and the child.