
Pregnancy is a special period of the woman life, characterized by constant changes. The body changes and generates life.

Sometimes this adaptation is not perfect and the woman can feel a back, neck or leg pain.. but beware of drugs!

Many does not know that the woman dows not take NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory) drugs in the first three months of pregnancy,particularly aspirin. These drugs could lead to malformation of the small stomach of the baby or efven the loss of the child. Also in the second trimester it is important to avoid these medications, as they may lead to the premature closure of the Botallo ductus arteriosus (essential for fetal circulation).

Osteopathy, thanks to its manual approach without the use of drugs, it can be a valuable aid to the woman to correct posture and improve the pain, reducing the risks to mother and the unborn child.

Osteopathy also helps in case of intestinal disorders and nausea, preparing the mum’s body (expecially the back and pelvis) to face childbirth in the best way.

The osteopathic approach is not limiting the period of pregnancy, but it is also useful after child birth.

Scars (as Caesarean section) or postural abnormalities, may be a source of pain and organic discomfort. Thanks to the fascial and structural techniques, the osteopath is able to restore elasticity to the tissues and the mobility of the surrounding structures, restoring the right balance and posture of the woman.